* This is a database of registered Newfoundland and Labrador Doctors.

Make a Complaint Online

If you are concerned about the medical care that a physician has provided, almost always, your best first step is to speak to the physician directly about your concern or contact the Chief of Staff or Client Relations Office at the hospital where you were treated. If you do not wish to do so, or if talking does not resolve matters, you can make a complaint about the physician.

If you are making a complaint about more than one physician, please complete a separate complaint form for each physician.

Once the College has received your completed complaint form, we will send you a letter summarizing your complaint, based on the information provided by you and confirming your intention to proceed with the complaint.

If you would prefer to make a complaint by mail, please contact the College’s Professional Conduct Coordinator at (709) 778-4280 or by email, complaints@cpsnl.ca to receive a paper copy of the complaint form.